Ask chief executives what skills are required to successfully compete,
grow and succeed in the 21st century and you’ll receive conflicting
answers. The global economy swings from signs of recovery to predictions
of collapse and the business sector seems paralyzed and often confused.
Though many businesses are cash-rich, they’re risk-averse,
strategically incremental and lacking fresh ideas and innovation.
However, ask chief executives how important creativity is to a 21st
century leader and the response is unanimous - it’s not important, it’s
crucial for sustainable business. Today more than ever, creativity and
innovation are core competencies for leaders and managers. It is their
role to teach people how to perceive the world in new ways; find hidden
patterns, make connections between seemingly unrelated phenomena, ask
important questions and generate solutions.
Finding fresh solutions to problems and the ability to create new
products, processes or services for a changing market, are parts of the
intellectual capital that gives a company its competitive edge.
Creativity is a crucial part of the innovation equation.
But still, in many organizations, there’s no clear pathway for
developing personal creativity and a way to nurture, develop and
celebrate ideas and this is despite leaders’ recognition that creativity
is key. Visit a kindergarten however and you’ll be immersed in a
culture of creative thinking. Imagination and learning isn’t stifled but
encouraged; color, movement, sound and communication thrive. So what
happens between the open and effortless experimentation of childhood and
the struggle to think creatively that is experienced by so many in
Changing the work culture and selectively forgetting past success
formulas, and co-creating future products and services with employees,
customers, and external partners are hallmarks of creative leaders in organizations from the US, Europe, and Asia. Firms exhibiting creative
leadership out-performed their competition during the recession.
We need to develop creative and courageous leaders and build a
culture of innovation where failure is acceptable and successfully
implemented ideas are rewarded and celebrated. Successful workplaces of
the future will incorporate programs and develop an organizational
culture that offers employees a voice and a greater understanding and fulfillment of their potential.
Creative leadership programs will take people outside of their
traditional comfort zones and lead to improved employee well being,
engagement and self-awareness, to increased leadership and productivity,
and to a greater ability to innovate and make a difference. In the face
of competitive and economic pressures, many organizations are convinced
that creativity and innovation are the keys to success.
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