David Gergen, author of Eyewitness to Power, The Essence of Leadership Nixon to Clinton, a superb study of presidential power, is correct that the measure of a leader is the willingness to confront problems and seek solutions. That comes down to two factors that are essential to leadership success:
The commitment to action: Action begins with the decision to address a serious issue. You know the issue is a big problem when it has the potential to wreck your business, or alternately, when few people are willing to tackle the issue for fear it will wreck their careers.
The strength to follow through: Courage plays a part in this because it takes guts to stand up for what you believe, especially when your views are contrary to those in charge.
How well a leader exerts will and follows through with fortitude will shape that leader’s legacy. We remember leaders for what they have accomplished rather than what they have avoided.
Addressing the tough issues may be the stuff of history but it is not something can be left to the books; it must be practiced everyday. What factors are influencing your leadership approach. What have you identified as must have leadership factors?
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