Innovative leaders get out and proactively seek insight from their people about customer feedback, trend patterns and other critical organizational topics. They also have to allow a sense of autonomy within the ranks in order to encourage ownership of job responsibilities. This kind of autonomy allows for, among other benefits, a full- picture perspective of customer sentiment and loyalty to emerge.
How up to speed are you on the innovative ways of companies and high-profile leaders present and past? Take this quiz and find out.
Q: Which food industry leader taps upon its employees to gain an uncanny—and nearly telepathic edge on customer service?
A: Wegmans, the supermarket chain intensely trains workers to gauge customer needs while on the retail floor and provide input to management.
Q: Which entertainment giant is known for giving employees the freedom to manage their work?
A: Netflix, The company uses this technique to demonstrate respect for staffers’ ability to self-direct and take ownership of their roles.
Q: Which company is legendary for its “walk-around” leadership style?
A: Marriott, Founder Bill Marriott always walked around his properties to connect with employees and ensure that hotels performed up to his standards.
Are you implementing any of these innovative approaches? What other innovative ways work for you?
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