Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Are you Engaged?

Only 3 of 10 employees are engaged by their work, according to industry research. While prospects of a future downsizing can certainly act as one type of motivation, workers need more than the threat of a pink slip to feel emotionally committed to company objectives. This is especially true when they’re asked to take on added duties without additional compensation and/or career advancement.

Here are five innovative leadership best practices to keep people engaged by their work:

1. Hire leaders first, IT whiz kids second.
Tech skills can be learned. Growing as a leader, however, will take longer if the basic human qualities aren’t there.

2. Recruit support from the 3 of 10 employees who are engaged.
This way, they’ll provide direction for remaining workers who are on the fence.

3. Dispense with generational stereotypes.
All Gen Yers aren’t over-entitled children. All Boomers aren’t burnt-out employees attempting to hang on. Discover value within individuals.

4. Document large victories.
The best way to avoid re-inventing success is to document how your teams got it done the first time.

5. Eliminate the whine fests
Instead of letting them come to your office to complain about a project, require employees to present three possible solutions for every problem.

What works to keep you engaged? What innovative best practices have you found that keep people engaged?

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